The Wind And The Lion

The Wind And The Lion
German gunners range in on the U.S. Marines as they cross the vill. Figures are Old Glory German Sea Battalion conversions. Archway by Miniature Building Authority.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Prisoner – Rescue Colonel Flashman - Sudan 1885


The Prisoner - Rescue Colonel Flashman - Sudan 1885

Friendly Sudanese tribesmen have notified the Anglo-Egyptian HQ that a gathering of Dervishes encamped some miles distant appear to have a white captive with them. It is suspected that said prisoner to be none other than Colonel Sir Harry Flashman who was reported missing last week from a survey party. London has stated that Colonel Flashman will be rescued at all costs – dead or alive!

Imperial Forces:

Senior Officer:  Colonel Rick Welch, DSC

Has a full Sudanese Infantry Battalion.

  • (4) Infantry Companies (20) men each. 

Subordinate Officer: Captain Chip Coffey, DSO

Has a mixed force of:

  • (1) Cavalry Troop of (12) men
  • (1) Disembarked Naval MG with (3) crew.
  • (1) Armed Steamer with:

(1) 3LB Medium gun and (3) gunners,

(1) MG with (3) gunners,

(1) Naval Infantry Platoon (20) men.



Imperial units will enter the table on the short side of the river end and will move as their card colors are pulled. The Cavalry may enter on any board edge save the entry point after turn #3. The Steamer may start docked or enter any turn.


Terrain considerations:

These small houses may conceal 5 men. The houses will provide class III cover. The roof tops class II.


The wadi will be treated as Rough Terrain and is Class III cover for troops lining the banks. The dense scrub-growth is Rough Terrain and concealment for prone figures but provides no cover from fire. The palm groves are Rough Terrain and Class II cover. The low ridges are Rough Terrain and offer Class II cover.



The Anglo-Egyptian force must free the prisoner at all costs.


Special Rules:

In order to enter or exit a structure, ascend or descend stairs, cross undefended low walls, climb a sand dune, embark or disembark a conveyance, you must drop the high die. 


To break into a defended building a 5-6 on a D6 must be rolled to break down the door. Then the Melee will take place. The first 2 defenders get the benefit of cover the remainder do not unless actually behind a barricade.


Scenario Options:

At the beginning of every movement turn the GM will roll a D20. On a 20 a freak flash flood will rage through the wadi filling it for 1 turn making it impassible. 50% of any troops inside will drown. Place half of the survivors on one side of the bank and half on the other.


Use the limited ammo rules for the MG.

Die Roll – D6



5 Rounds


6 Rounds


7 Rounds


Game Length:

The game length is 10 turns, then it becomes nightfall and the Dervish will be breaking camp and execute the prisoner or turn him over to the Mahdi.


Victory Conditions:

It will be deemed a major Imperial Victory if Lt. Flashman is rescued alive and is safe in the care of the Imperial Forces at the end of 10 turns. The Officer commanding the rescue force will be eligible for the Victoria Cross. A Major Defeat will be declared if Colonel Flashman cannot be recovered Alive and the commanding Officer may be cashiered. 

This is going to be run at ReCon in Kissimmee Florida (4/27/23) by David Welch as a memorial game for his father who recently passed away.

Rick and I were discussing several projects and scenarios he wanted to run now that he finally retired and would have the time. Very unfortunately he had lost his battle with cancer a short time later.  

Rick is far right, huge smile as always  he loved playing TSATF - The Sword And The Flame ! Here he is at one of my game tables at an HMGS-South con.

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