The Wind And The Lion

The Wind And The Lion
German gunners range in on the U.S. Marines as they cross the vill. Figures are Old Glory German Sea Battalion conversions. Archway by Miniature Building Authority.

Monday, September 30, 2024

At Hurricon-24 with SMG, Last Stand Dan & Bud’s Blast Markers

There were a lot of really amazing games this past weekend. I was lucky enough to play in a bunch of them, see pics below of some that I attended. All these GM’s ran excellent, fun, and beautiful games!  

Coolidge running a Boxer Rebellion game. Hard Fight outside of Tienstin. The Boxers leave the city to stop the invading allies from entering and sacking it.

The Chinese vigorously attacked the allies, the superior firepower and numbers of the allies where just too much
for the Chinese to overcome. Despite these factors it was a minor Chinese victory because they stalled the allies and blunted their attack on Tienstin. 

It is rumored that a spy had given the allies the Chinese battle plans. Someone must pay for this …

Last Stand Dan ran a TMWWBK WWI Tigris River game, Attack Along the Tigris 1916. The Turks gallantly defend an outpost on the Tigris from a combined arms Anglo-Indian assault. It seemed as if there were thousands of Turks. Could the Brits break the trench line, silence the shore batteries, take the town, and move their gunboat upriver???

Custom hand made gunboat by Last Stand Boatyard.

More Buds Blast Markers and plane fire / damage markers. Bud’s Blast Markers.

WWII, Operation Norwind, 17 January, 1945, Rapid Fire Reloaded game run by RBW.

Some of the RBW Crew setting up, Scotty couldn’t make it due to the hurricane. 

Jeff from RBW patiently awaits the players Saturday morning. 

The Americans are on their 3rd or 4th attempt at taking this vital bridgehead, town, and railway stations. The Americans made it across the river albeit with major casualties in personnel and armor. Both sides of the river were stoutly defended. 

German Panthers emerge from the cover of the railway station to finish of the advancing American armor. 

A lucky long range flank shot takes out a Panther on its way to reinforce the railway station. 

Big Dave runs a TSATF Sudan game, To Save Their Own! from the official The Sword And The Flame 2016 Scenario Portfolio.

Capt Stewart has been picked to lead a small force of men from the main column on a night raid against a Grand Emir, in order to rescue some British officers of the Denbigh Fusiliers, including Capt Griffiths, who were captured after the last action. 

Sgt. Guinness runs a TSATF 1891 NWF game from the ongoing campaign, Never Trust Anyone on the Frontier.

Redemption, Rescue the General’s Daughter. In our last episode the General’s daughter was captured in an ambush on a supply column headed to the Lowari Pass garrison.

Captain Barrington Hawthorne Smyth, Queens 2nd Dragoon Guards, can you redeem yourself and rescue General Horatio McGuinness' daughter Margaret Fitzpatrick McGuinness from the clutches of your enemy?



Hmmm, Russians on the Grim, from Askari Miniatures

The British and Indian forces have redeemed themselves, captured a Russian officer, reduced a village to burnt cinders, and rescued the general’s daughter. Fire markers by Bud’s Blast Markers.

Another game by Last Stand Dan. Villa Rides, The Battle of Conejos 1914.

Left to right, Capt Lucas, Bud ala Bud’s Blast Markers, Jennifer Librarian Gamer, & el jeffe Roger. 

Sgt Guinness had the kids roll his dice for him to keep them included in the fun. 

                                    Good turn …

                         HMGS-South Conventions